
Unlimited design freedom for edge servers with COM-HPC Server standard

01:20 Evolution of Open Computer-on-Module Standards   
02:40 The Modules: Concept & Benefits 
05:00 COM-HPC Server pinout definition   
06:15 Infrastructure Network Market 
13:05 Infrastructure Network Applications 
20:15 The COM-HPC Server Ecosystems 
29:30 Summary 


Meet The Speaker Who Made This Webinar Possible

This competent individual is distinguished by his extensive knowledge and years of experience and is therefore a true expert in his respective fields.


Zeljko Loncaric

Market Segment Manager for infrastructure at congatec

Zeljko has a long history in embedded computing and Computer-on-Modules Prior to joining congatec mid-2010, he held various positions with international companies in product… Read More

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